Potocco Spa
Brand: Potocco
2580Address: Via Indipendenza, 4, 33044, Manzano Udine, Italia
- Phone: +39 0432 745111
- Tel./Fax: +39 0432 937027
- E-Mail: [email protected]
- Site: www.potoccospa.com

Synonymous with modernity and avant-garde, Potocco confirms its link with the world of design by collaborating with internationally renowned designers including Alexander Lorenz, Gianluigi Landoni, Bernhardt & Vella, Mauro Lipparini, Marco Piva, Hannes Wettstein, Alessandro Busana, Davide Gallo, Lemongrass , Toan Nguyen, Mario Ferrarini and David Lopez Quincoces.
Also driven by a cosmopolitan vision, Potocco continues to increasingly focus its attention on foreign countries. An important part of Potocco Spa's success is due to the share deriving from exports, equal to 80 percent of total turnover. In particular, the successes on the American and Asian markets and the desire to seize the important growth opportunities offered by these territories, led to the opening of the Potocco USA division in 2015 and to Potocco Asia in 2016. The company is also present throughout the rest of the world thanks to a capillary distribution network that consists of 550 points of sale (100 in Italy and 450 abroad).
The work, commitment, dedication and passion have allowed the company to obtain important awards in Italy. These include the Golden Triangle award for best chair manufacturer in the Italian District of the Chair and, on the occasion of the awarding of work and economic progress announced by the Chamber of Commerce of Udine, as a company that stands out for the quality of its products and its entrepreneurial dynamism. Finally, in 2011 Potocco was awarded the recognition for the 50 years of participation in the Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, thus rewarding the constant presence of the Friulian brand since the first edition of the important exhibition fair.