Brand: Pataviumart
2545Address: Villa Wollemborg, Via Aurelia 2, 35010, Loreggia, Padova, Italia
- Phone: +39 049 5790903
- Tel./Fax: +39 049 9321686
- E-Mail: [email protected]
- E-Mail: [email protected]
- Site:

The history of Pataviumart begins in 1957. It starts in the middle of an historical period teeming with life, ingenuity, desire to build and rebuild.
Adriano Gomiero, in love with art and his wife Ines, leaves Milan and his brothers to move to Padua and continue from there, from the beloved Veneto, as it started in the city of Milan.
In the small workshop of the historic center, Adriano designs, invents, forges lamps and chandeliers designed to enrich the salons of important noble palaces scattered everywhere in beauty and ingenuity. Artisan by birth, first scholar and expert Master of Art then, Adriano works the bronze to discover only later the glass of Murano and entrarcisi completely.
Everything is important for the spouses Gomiero, every detail is precious, each realization is exclusive, whether it is an ancient chandelier to be recovered or a completely new work, born from the fusion of two empathic minds and respectful of the genius of others.