Flexform S.P.A
Brand: Flexform
3302Address: Via Einaudi 23/25, 20821, Meda (MB) Italia
- Phone: +39 0362 3991
- Tel./Fax: +39 0362 399228
- E-Mail: [email protected]
- Site: www.flexform.it

FLEXFORM is an Italian industrial company that relies on deeply rooted expertise in the production of finely crafted sofas and furnishings, with an innate focus on design culture, a past of outstanding collaborations with the best designers and creative talents, a capillary, efficient international commercial and distribution network, and major investments in the areas of communication, research and innovation.
The company’s identity and success are based on a system of shared values that form the true core of the corporate project: Made in Italy, Timeless Elegance, Comfort, Quality, Coherent Design, Contemporary Character, Beauty, Durability.
This is the strategic map that has brought Flexform to its position, recognized all over the world, as one of the historic brands of Made in Italy of the highest quality in the field of furnishings.